
Brand Launch

Branding, Campaign, Content

Midea Makes The Wow

Meet Midea, one of the world's largest appliance companies and perhaps the world's best kept secret. Well, not anymore. With low awareness of the brand in the US, they set out to embark on a new chapter. 

The insight behind the work is simple: with low awareness of the brand than there's naturally low awareness of what the brand makes. So we removed all distraction, focusing on clean, simple brand design.

To do this, we created a new set of guidelines focused around three key principals: front-load the message of what "Midea Makes"; up-level the design appeal of each product; embrace a simple, yet bold color palette. Hyper-focused on extreme brand simplicity, we set out to present how "Midea Makes The Wow", showcasing all the practical innovation that makes it easier for consumers and then we brought it to life across a range of television, digital, social, retail and web.